Fortrust is a company that has over 24 years of international student placement experience and provides new and innovative service solutions for prospective students and educational partners. Their services ranged from education & career consulting, travel and accomodation arrangement, VISA processing administration and other preparation a student usually will need to enter college.
Fortrust decide to make both website and mobile app to help high school graduates finding their future university. Users can search and choose any university partner of Fortrust in many countries. They can see all the university details including applying for any courses they want. After applying, they can track any updates of their college application online.
The mobile app is mainly about Fortrust’s main service which is an education consultant. Users can find any counselor on their country, book an appointment, and get any help as necessary to apply or preparing themselves for college life.

the challenges.
Main challenge of this project is to make a seamless flow for user to successfully apply to their chosen university, either by searching the university by themselves or by finding a counsellor to help them find, apply, and prepare them to go overseas.
Another challenge was that the website and mobile app both have a different and separate main purpose. Fortrust website’s main function is mostly for users to search universities or the countries these universities are in. While the mobile app’s main usage was to find an education counsellor, set the meeting with the counsellor, and updates about their application
who it's for.
Fortrust main target user was anyone who want to find or apply for university mainly overseas. Other than university information, they can find information about the country as well. Since Fortrust main focus is helping students to study overseas, the app was focusing on the ease to find the students to-be destination country and also to search for university based on the location of specific courses they already have in mind. Moreover, they can book an appointment with any nearby counsellor if necessary to get further help with finding, applying, and preparing themselves to go to college.

education information.

Just like e-commerce in which users can search and buy a product, in Fortrust users can search and apply into any university. They can search preferences according to their needs, whether by university name, country, or by specific course. On the university detail, users can find more info about the university, location and some details about the country of the university. Users can see what courses to enroll at the specific university, and also reviews from other users.

Aside from searching by university, users can also switch to search their preferences by courses they would like to enroll. Users can filter by study area, country, level and tuition range. After they find the one they searched for on the detailing page about the course, users can also see course summary, about the university and the country. Users can apply directly on the screen or find a counsellor to help them apply.

On destination page, Fortrust have listed all of the countries in which they currently have universities partnered. Users can see more details about the country, some previous users review about why they choose to study there, the lifestyle, and which universities are popular.


Another main function in Fortrust was so that users can find nearby counsellor to help them find and apply to their chosen university. Users can search counsellors by country or what language they’d prefer. On the details page, there are more informations about the counsellor, enabling users to message them or continue selecting the counsellor immediately.

Users can communicate with counsellor through messages online, or when they can get into counsellor’s meeting area offline, users can schedule a meeting and talk to the counsellor face to face. Users can choose and place the meeting area and time. The website was made so as the needs of the users will be conveniently provided, to ensure better service either online or offline.

At the point of the user registering inside the website, they will be offered a quick survey so Fortrust can customize and give recommendations more accurately. In order to ensure convenience, on the profile page, users can upload all of their important documents to make their college application faster and easier. At the time they are assigned to a counsellor, their name will appear, along with their upcoming meeting details with a counsellor on top of the page as a reminder.

mobile apps.

One of the benefit of mobile apps is flexibility, so that users can access it anytime and anywhere. Continuing from that belief, one of the main feature on Fortrust mobile app was chatting with the counsellor. Users can chat directly or even call the counsellor. While in the call, they can still access the chat window just in case.

Another main menu on Fortrust mobile apps was the college application status. Here users can get their update on their application process, making it easy to track the progress in real time.
? How to see all the screens:
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