Dewi Marisa
Toyota Cover

Toyota voc.


Voice of Customer is an app built to help Toyota Customer in finding, consulting, testing, and buying their dream car. After converting to Toyota Customer, the user can also use VOC to engage with other Toyota Customer, book a service, find and buy authentic Toyota spare part, submit complain, get reward, etc.

Before this project, Toyota only engaged with their customer through their website and social media. These methods worked yet Toyota had difficulties in maintaining customer engagement. After VOC, Toyota has a better platform to keep in touch and provide a better service to their customer.

? UI/UX Design
? Customer Journey Mapping
Top Toyota

the challenges.

Unlike other projects I did before, I did not work directly with the company that requested the app (Toyota). My client was a 3rd party vendor who won a tender (project bidding) for Toyota VOC project. Due to this situation, the brief for the design did not come directly from Toyota and the concept was made by my client (the 3rd party vendor). The design concept was a fix from the client and I was not communicating directly with Toyota. It made this project became more challenging because I could not do research to Toyota Customer and explore more.

On top of that, the time constraint was the biggest challenge for this project. The deadline given was 3 days after I was briefed. This meant that I had no time to do any research or create wireframe first and design things straight to the mockup.

who it's for.

VOC was made for everyone who could become a Toyota Customer, but mostly targeted for potential and existing customer. After a customer purchased Toyota car, some functions will unlock and the user will have special access to the full version of the app.

toyota potential customer

Potential Customer

  • Customer whom interested in or potentially buying a Toyota car
  • Customer in need of consultation or have some question regarding a Toyota car or Toyota service
toyota existing customer

Existing Customer

  • Customer who already owns Toyota car(s)
  • Customer who search for services or Toyota spare part(s)

toyota information.

The main function of VOC is to give potential customer the information they needed regarding Toyota car and dealer. The user can go through car catalog, news, events, or promotion. They also can search for the dealer nearby, book a test drive, and of course contact Toyota for direct consultation.


The main function of VOC is to give potential customer the information they needed regarding Toyota car and dealer. The user can go through car catalog, news, events, or promotion. They also can search for the dealer nearby, book a test drive, and of course contact Toyota for direct consultation.


User can use this menu to find any Toyota Dealer near them. Beside finding the dealer location, user can also contact the dealer or booking a test drive directly and this apps will notify user when their booking is coming up. Also, if the user purchase a car from the dealer, the user can track the order status direct on the apps (In Indonesia when you bought a car, there are some administration process prior to the car being delivered).


When user have any question or if want to consult with Toyota to find the best car, they can use the consultation menu to start chatting on the app. The consultation will start from simple questions to match the customer needs with a Toyota admin. After that the chat will started and user can end or continue it anytime.

logged in user.

For existing customer, the user will have a profile with their personal and car details. For example, the car type, date of purchase, other Toyota customer they are friends with, and reward points. When the user registered and log in, more features will appear (e.g. Social media, Book Service, Add Complain, Buy Spare Parts).


One of the main features for existing user was social media. Using this app, user can communicated with other Toyota customer. Like a social media, user can do interaction with other users like posting text or picture, liking a post, and commenting on a post. With this feature Toyota want to make an exclusive community just for their existing customer.


Another feature for logged in user was booking services for their car at Toyota official workshop. User can also order official spare parts for their car and for every transaction user will be rewarded point(s) based on their purchase.


For every activity and purchase on the app, logged in user will got reward point(s). The point can be used to redeem a discount voucher(s) for car purchase, booking a service or buying spare part(s). On the reward page, user can see other user’s point on the hall of fame. Every top earner’s points will be shown in there.


? How to see all the screens:
Exit full screen (esc) and click on the  icon on the top left

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